Saint Paul of the Cross Parish Prayer List

Prayers for healing have been requested for the following people:

Eugene Antkowiak
Mary Arden
Zoey Bair
Lainey Bannon
Olga Bakos
Dale Barker
David H. Barker
Ken & Ruth Ann Barr
Lavern Barrasso
Flo Barth 
John A. Bauer
Peter Beccari Jr.
Dodie Becker
Judy Binek
Jason Braun
Joe Burke
Maddox Burnes
Anthony Busch
Debbie Cardamone
Lori Cardillo
Jason Carr
Martin Carranza
Evelyn Christopher
Frank Cibrone
Angela Cinti
Jackie Clements
Heather Cleary
Landon Connolly
Christopher Contest
Liam Cook
Catherine Cooper
Lynn Covey
Julianne (Williams) Coyne
Beatrice Cox
Walker Holmes Danley
Marsha Davis
Edna Dausch
Robert Dax
Marilyn Deemer
Bill Delahanty
Alice DeMatty
Vincent DePaolo
Barbara DeWorken
Patrice Domanovich
Mary Jo Donovan
Emily Dunbar
Barbara Dunn
Donna Dunn
Daniel Elko
Donna Fabus
Paul Faville
Thomas Ferguson
Bruce Fisher
Ella Fisher
Joseph Flaherty
Patricia Flaherty
Peter Flaherty
Annamarie Frankenstein
Jennifer Freker
Tony Frick
Shawn Getty       
Bonnie Graf
Dolores Graney
Jean Greb
Paul Greb
Eric Greiner     
Christine M. Hagan 
Robert Hagelauer
Mary Lou Hart
Tucker Helms
Rita Hennings
Joshua Hendrikson
Jamie Hokaj
Meghan Hoffman
Patricia Hoellein
Katherine Howells
Bill Hritz
Boyd Hutchin
Elissa Josephine
Linda Juskowich
George Kaiser Sr.
Bernie Kaminski
Patricia Kelleher
Robert Kelleher
Ken Killenberger
Florence Kiefer
Partick King
Hellen Kirtley
Dn Joe Kosko
Karilynn Kosko
Brittany Kotter
Mary Kowal
Kathy Lagamba
Wayne Less
Allen Levine
Joanie Linsky
Stacy Lyons
Emmet Mahon
Vincent Mamone
Chris Mastandrea
Gracetta Mastandrea   
Joe Mattzie
Mrs. Matzzie
Michele McLane
Don Merkt
Pat Meute
Kirstin Miller
Margaret Mitchell
Fr. John Moineau
Fred Molly
Robert J. Nieman Jr.
Carolyn Nulph
Ruth Ann Obringer 
Jean O’Malley
Dr. George Pappas
Martin Perrino
Lucy Picchi
Dot Quatman
Deanna Raimondi-Gingric
Michael Gildea Reese
Carol Reffner
Laverne Renz
Leona Renz
Anna Richard
Elaine Richtar
Mary Jo Rodgers
Cassie Scarpino
Mario Scarpino
Judy Scheeser
Eileen Schilken
Priscilla Seifert
Doris Shepherd
Mary P. Sheridan
Mary Jo Shipers
Dorothy Simon
Grace Skladany
Jeff Smith
Cara Snyder
Audrey Staab
Frank Stasik
Janet Stella
Jo Ann Stemberger
Judy Sucevic
Betty Sypien
David T Thiry
Michael B. Thiry
Marlene Thurner
Jennifer Thompson
Richard Trombetta
C.J. Vano
Patricia Ventura       
Keith Vietmeier
Marie Wade
Richard Walter
Warren Walters
Jonathan Welch
Molly Welsh
Nancy Werkmeister
Linda Wolf
Catherine Yakemovic
Karen Yanko
Jason Zeisloft
Gary Ziegenfuss
Jennifer Furgiuele Zwyan


To add or remove a name from this list, please call the parish office at (412) 531-5964

Prayer to Our Lady for Healing of the Sick

Virgin, most holy, Mother of the Word Incarnate, treasurer of graces, and refuge of sinners, I fly top your motherly affection with lively faith, and I beg of you the grace ever to do the will of God. 

Into your most holy hands I commit the keeping of my heart, asking you for health of soul and body, in the certain hope that you, my most loving Mother, will hear my prayer. 

Into the bosom of your tender mercy, this day, every day of my life, and at the hour of my death, I commend my soul and body.

To you I entrust all my hopes and consolations, all my trials and miseries, my life and the end of my life, that all my actions may be ordered and disposed according to your will and that of your Divine Son. 
