K-8 Faith Formation

Summer Saints

Save the date!  Call South Hills Catholic Academy for more information and to enroll. 412-631-3131


About Our Program

Saint Paul of the Cross Parish has partnered with South Hills Catholic Academy to provide an engaging Faith Formation program for our students. Parish volunteers work in collaboration with SHCA teachers to serve students in grades K-8. They use the Spirit of Truth curriculum by Sophia Institute, a program designed by Catholic master teachers, to deliver students a meaningful encounter with our faith.

We offer two catechetical options, allowing you to choose the method that works best for you and your family. 
  • In person classes: Mondays, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM at South Hills Catholic Academy (Saint Winifred School)
  • Homeschool option- please note that students enrolling in the homeschool option will be required to meet with their teacher twice during the school year to ensure a proper understanding of the curriculum. Students will be required to follow the weekly assignments as well.

Please contact the SHCA school office for more information:

Harmony Stewart, Head of School (412) 631-3131 hstewart@shcacademy.com
Megan Christ, Faith Formation Assistant (412) 631-3131 mchrist@shcacademy.com

Weather Cancellation Information for Classes

Families wil be notified about any class cancellations via email.  Please reach out to Megan Christ at mchrist@shcacademy.com with any questions.

OCIA: Order of Christian Initiation for Adults

Have you considered becoming Catholic? Join us every other Wednesday from 7pm-9pm in the Convent Dining Room for informational sessions and studies to help you discern your relationship with our Faith. Questions? Contact Don Fontana, Director of Adult Faith Formation at dfontana@stpaulofthecross.com or call (412) 531-5964.