Sacraments and Ceremonies


Outward Signs of God's Presence with Us

Baptism is the foundational sacrament that provides the sacred context whereby our Lord receives a child with great joy, embraces that child and offers him every love and grace He has to give.

Baptisms are celebrated at Saint Anne Church following the 10:00 AM mass, or by appointment. 

A Pre-Baptism class is required. You may attend a class on the evening of Tuesday, March 18th or May 6th from 5:30-7:00 PM in the DePalma Room* of Saint Anne Church. To register for a Baptism Preparation class, please contact Don Fontana in the Parish Office at (412) 531-5964 or email him at

Click on these links to get additional information about Baptism Preparation *The sidewalk to the DePalma Room is nestled between the 5 garage bays on the St. Anne church campus.  You will see a sign for the room as you walk closer to the white garage doors.

First Reconciliation
Reconciliation is a sign of God's divine mercy for us. Students will have an opportunity to make their first reconciliation in the second grade.  If you have a student who is of age, and not enrolled yet in Faith Formation (CCD), please do so as soon as possible. Saint Paul of the Cross Parish has entered into a partnership with South Hills Catholic Academy to serve students K-8 and is designed to deliver Students a meaningful encounter with our faith. To register your child in the South Hills Catholic Acadeny Faith Formation program please call (412) 631-3131 or click HERE for more information.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered at Saint Anne Church every Saturday following the 8:00 AM Mass and from 11:00-11:45 AM; also on Tuesdays from 5:15-6:15 PM. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered at Saint Winifred Church every Saturday from 4:45 p.m. to 5:15 PM. Additional opportunities to receive the graces of the Sacrament are scheduled during Advent and Lenten seasons.   

Click on these links to learn more about the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Holy Eucharist
Sacramental preparation for First Eucharist is completed through the Catholic school students attend or through a religious education program. Saint Paul of the Cross Parish has entered into a partnership with South Hill Catholic Academy to serve students K-8 and is designed to deliver students a meanilgful encounter with our faith.  To register your child in the South Hills Catholic Acadeny Faith Formation program please call (412) 631-3131 or click HERE for more information.

Confirmation perfects Baptismal grace; it is the sacrament which gives the Holy Spirit in order to root us more deeply in the divine filiation, incorporate us more firmly into Christ, strengthen our bond with the Church, associate us more closely with her mission, and help us bear witness to the Christian faith in words accompanied by deeds. (#1316) Confirmation takes place in the fall of 9th grade. All home-schooled, public and parochial school students who are of age and desire to be confirmed should enroll in Faith Formation (CCD) with our partners at South Hill Catholic Academy (412)631-3131 or click HERE for more information.  Confirmation ceremonies are scheduled through the Bishop's office a few months in advance. 

For adults, confirmation takes place as part of the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) and interested candidates should connect with the Parish Office to inquire (412) 531-5964 or click HERE for more information about our OCIA program. 

Click on the links below to learn more about choosing a sponsor for Confirmation
Weddings are scheduled on Saturdays at 1:30 PM. The prospective bride and groom are asked to make arrangements at least six months prior to the wedding date. All couples are expected to participate in a Pre-Marriage (Pre-Cana) Preparation Program held at Saint Paul of the Cross Parish annually on the first weekend of March. The class for 2025 will take place on Friday, February 28th, from 7:00 - 9:00 PM in the Convent Dining Room and on Saturday, March 1st, from 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM also in the Convent Dining Room.  Please register by February 24th, using this link .  Contact Don Fontana for more information by calling the parish office or by email,

Please see below for guidelines regarding wedding planning in our parish grouping.

Holy Orders
In our times, Jesus still calls men to share in His priesthood for the salvation of souls. This call, or vocation, to the priesthood is discerned by the Church. As Jesus summoned the apostles for a special time of instruction and formation before they were send out, the Church now has seminaries where men preparing for the priesthood study and receive priestly formation.

The successors to the apostles are the bishops. Bishops have the fullness of the priesthood, and it is only the bishop who can ordain men to the priesthood or diaconate. The parish priest represents the bishop in his parish community.

Because of the needs of the Christian community, the apostles summoned certain men to be deacons (cf. Acts 6). Deacons continue to fulfill an integral role in the life of the Church through their assistance at the liturgy and in the charitable works of the Church.

If you feel you might be called to the Priesthood, please visit the web site:

Anointing of the Sick
Celebrated annually during Mass for anyone who is seriously ill (physically or mentally), those facing serious surgery, those in chronic pain, and the elderly. This sacrament may also be celebrated individually (any time of the year) by calling the parish priest. If you would like to register for our annual Anointing Mass or if you know of someone in need of anointing, please contact the Parish Office at (412) 531-5964. In the event of an emergency outside of regularly scheduled office hours, you may contact an on-call priest by dialing (412) 572-3026. 


Funeral Mass
When a loved one dies, it is appropriate to have a Funeral Mass for the repose of his or her soul. Please complete a Liturgy Planning Guide and corresponding Worksheet to assist in planning your loved one's Funeral Mass. Please contact our Sacristan, Mary Weaver, with questions at (724) 814-2077. 

Matrimony Ceremony Planning
Click here for our Wedding Planning Guidelines booklet used throughout our parish grouping. Should you have additional questions, please contact the Parish Office at (412) 531-5964 to inquire or schedule an appointment with a priest to plan your ceremony.